$15,000 or Rs. 10,00,000 and above
- Display of company name & logo as consortium of organizers at Summit’s main stage backdrop, sponsor’s panels, prints/videos, summit website & brochures. Hyperlinked 100 words write up on the summit website.
- Head table reserved for the sponsor team
- 10 complimentary registrations for company executives for two days of the summit.
- On full page color advt. in the summit bag.
- One seat at the CEO forum. One speaker slot (main/parallel session/panel discussion as finalized by the summit committee).
- Print & visual media advt
- Acknowledgement in the summit proceedings.
- Two complimentary stalls 3 ft each at the exhibition hall.
- Corporate literature in soft copy format in the summit USB drive.
- Frequent screening of corporate commercials of 15s duration during lunch breaks at the main summit hall.
$11,500 or Rs. 8,00,000 and above
- Display of company name and logo as Platinum Sponsor at summit’s main stage backdrop and sponsor’s panels, in prints/videos, in summit website and brochures.
- 6 complimentary registration for company executives for two days of the summit.
- One full page advt. in the summit bag.
- One seat at the CEO forum. One slot in the break-out session.
- Print and visual media advertisements.
- Acknowledgement in the summit proceedings.
- Two complimentary stalls 3 ft each at the exhibition hall.
- Corporate literature in softcopy format in the summit USB drive.
- Frequent screening of corporate commercials of 5s duration during lunch breaks at the main summit hall.